Your online-agency
for childcare

Meine Nanny supports you,
find the right childcare for your family.

Known from


Child care according to their needs

Meine Nanny is an online agency that matches families and businesses with childcare providers

fast, discreet, reliable.

How Meine Nanny Works


We will find the right childcare for you

1) Arrange a short meeting with our experts

2) Create your individual profile via the platform

3) We will now find the right childcare provider for you

4) A few days later you will receive suitable childcare profiles


Certified & Qualified

Geprüft & Qualifiziert

The well-being of the child is our top priority, so all our childcare are checked for their qualifications and identity. So you can focus on the important things in life.

Das Wohl des Kindes steht für uns an oberster Stelle, daher werden alle unsere Kinderbetreuung auf ihre Qualifikationen und ihre Identität überprüft. Damit Sie sich auf die wichtigen Dinge im Leben konzentrieren können.


Easy to use

Kinderleichte Bedienung

With just a few steps to the right childcare - The time of the long search for a suitable person are over. We do the finding for you. After you have filled out your individual profile, we start the search.

Mit nur wenigen Schritten zur passenden Kinderbetreuung - Die Zeit der langen Suche nach einer passenden Person sind vorbei. Wir von Meine Nanny übernehmen für dich das finden. Nachdem Sie ihr individuelles Profil ausgefüllt haben, geht für uns los.


Perfectly tuned

Perfekt abgestimmt

Nothing is as individual as your family. Every child has individual needs and interests - Thus, we offer the right childcare for everyone. Starting from babysitter, nanny, travel companion to doula.

Nichts ist so individuell wie Ihre Familie. Jedes Kind hat individuelle Bedürfnisse und Interessen - Somit bieten wir für alle die passende Kinderbetreuung an. Angefangen vom Babysitter, Nanny, Reisebegleitung bis zur Doula.

The right childcare for everyone



For regular or daily childcare, as well as care for multiple children, our support is optimal. Our caregivers can become a part of your family and support you in everyday life.



For one-time or sporadic childcare. 
Mostly caregivers with less childcare experience.



For very regular or daily care. Often more children at home with the state-certified childminder.



Qualified childcare for your daycare center or company.


Night Nanny

Babysitters or nannies who care for children primarily at night.


Travel Nanny

Experienced caregivers who accompany families during a trip and thus support the family outside the familiar environment.



Assists the pregnant woman before and during birth as a non-medical helper. And is in most cases a support to the midwife. In the first weeks she accompanies the family in the early stages usually up to 8 weeks.



Pregnant women and women who have recently given birth receive support and care from a midwife during their pregnancy, during childbirth, in the puerperium and also in the period afterwards.

Not the right children's entertainment? Then contact us very much. We will be happy to advise you.

Childcare can support you in this

The tasks of a nanny are varied and individually adapted to their family or company.

Childcare the right benefit for your employees 

  1. Employees can plan better - thanks to childcare support
  2. Increased productivity of employees
  3. Concentrated work especially during home office
  4. Downtime due to closed daycare centers and schools can be reduced
  5. Improved work-live balance
  6. Strong competitive advantage for future employees
  7. Employee retention
  8. Higher recruitment rate
  9. Improved employer attractiveness

For families


For companies


For caregivers

You want to know more?

Here you will find the latest information about childcare. Don't miss any more information and subscribe to our newsletter. Best regards Your team from Meine Nanny- Your online agency for childcare.


Nadin Balke - Founder of Meine Nanny

© Meine Nanny 2023

© 2019 Meine Nanny

Made with in Berlin

Made with ♥ in Berlin